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Dynamic Object Functions

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Dynamic Object Functions

Below is a list of functions exposed through the RageGL.dll for controling and loading dynamic objects.

Click on one of the links to see more info.

Create a new face of a dynamic object
rglAddDynamicFaceMaterialIndexAdd a previously loaded Materials's index to the supplied face of the supplied
dynamic object
rglAddDynamicFaceNormalIndexAdd a previously loaded Normal's index to the supplied face of the supplied
dynamic object
rglAddDynamicFaceTexCoordIndexAdd a previously loaded texture coordinate's index to the supplied face of the
supplied dynamic object
rglAddDynamicFaceVectorIndexAdd a previously loaded Vector's index to the supplied face of the supplied
dynamic object
rglAddDynamicMeshNormalAdd a new normal to the normal array of the supplied dynamic object
rglAddDynamicMeshTexCoordAdd a new texture coordinate to the texture coordinate array of the supplied
dynamic object
rglAddDynamicMeshVectorAdd a new Vector to the vector array of the supplied dynamic object
Add a new blank dynamic object
rglAddDynamicProxyObjectAdd a dynamic proxy object
rglAddDynamicUniqueMeshNormalAdd a unique Normal to the Normal array of the supplied dynamic object
rglAddDynamicUniqueMeshTexCoordAdd a unique texture coordinate to the texture coordinate array of the supplied
dynamic object
rglAddDynamicUniqueMeshVectorAdd a unique Vector to the Vector array of the supplied dynamic object
rglGetDynamicBillboardAxisGet the billboard axis of the object to any arbitraty axis.
rglGetDynamicBillBoardCamPosGet the last camera position that was set for the billboard calculations.
rglGetDynamicBillBoardCamUpGet the last up vector that was set for the billboard calculation.
rglGetDynamicBillboardFlagGet the bollboardable state of a dynamic object
rglGetDynamicBillboardTypeGet the type of billboard behavior of the object
rglGetDynamicDrawNormalsFlagGets the status of the Draw Normals Flag
rglGetDynamicFacesRead back all the mesh data of a dynamic object instance in the engine
Get the matrix of a dynamic object
Get the Pitch of a dynamic object
Get the position of a dynamic object
rglGetDynamicRollGet the Roll of a dynamic object
rglGetDynamicRotationGet the rotation of a dynamic object
rglGetDynamicShowOcclusionNodesFlagGet the show occlusion nodes flag of a dynamic object
rglGetDynamicVisibleFlagGet the visiblility flag of a dynamic object
rglGetDynamicWireframeFlagGet the draw wireframe flag of a dynamic object
rglGetDynamicYawGet the yaw of a dynamic object
rglImportDynamic3DSImport a 3ds file as a dynamic object
rglLoadDynamicPredefinedLoad a predefined object (Quad or Cube)
rglSetDynamicBillboardAxisSet the billboard axis of the object to any arbitraty axis
rglSetDynamicBillBoardCamPosSet the camera position for the billboard calculations
rglSetDynamicBillBoardCamUpSet the up vector for the billboard calculation
rglSetDynamicBillboardFlagMake a dynamic object billboardable
rglSetDynamicBillboardPropSet the camera billboard properties of the object
rglSetDynamicBillboardPropAxisSet the camera billboard properties of the object and its rotation axis
rglSetDynamicBillboardTypeSet the type of billboard behavior of the object
Set the matrix of a dynamic object
Set the Pitch of a dynamic object
rglSetDynamicPositionSet the position of a dynamic object
rglSetDynamicRollSet the Roll of a dynamic object
rglSetDynamicRotationSet the rotation of a dynamic object
rglSetDynamicShowOcclusionNodesFlagSet the show occlusion nodes flag of a dynamic object
rglSetDynamicVisibleFlagSet the visiblility flag of a dynamic object
rglSetDynamicWireframeFlagSet the draw wireframe flag of a dynamic object
rglSetDynamicYawSet the Yaw of a dynamic object
rglSetSceneDrawNormalsFlagSets the status of the Show Occlusion nodes flag


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