rage game engine free open source game engine

Rage 3D Game Engine News Archive

OpenGL Delphi Pascal code
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Welcome to the Rage 3D open source (free) game engine project.
All the code hosted on this site and sourceforge.net is given to you completely free of charge
as long as you obey the rules in the license published on this site.

This engine may be used in commercial game projects without paying any license fees.

2005/11/28 - About Rage 3D Game Engine

Welcome to the Rage 3D Open Source game engine project.

All the code on this site, is given to you completely free of charge
to use in any of your open source or commercial projects
providing that you give credit for the engine to

2006/02/09 - Rage 3D Games

The Rage 3D game engine has evolved enough to be useable in games of all genre's.

The first game (Torture Tank) is our entry for the pascal game development "big boss" competition.

It is still in the early stages, so the game is not complete yet, but we decided to release some early screen shots in any case.

If you have are currently using the rage game engine in your games, give me a shout, and I will add your game to the list.


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