function rglLoadDynamicPredefined( const aDynObjectType : TRGLDynamicObjectTypes; const aMaterialIndex : Integer; const aPosX, aPosY, aPosZ, aPitch, aYaw, aRoll : Single; const aWidth, aHeight, aDepth : Single) : Integer; stdcall;
Load a predefined object (Quad or Cube)
Parameters aDynObjectType - Constant defined in RageExposedTypes.pas can be RGL-DYN-OBJECT-CUBE or RGL-DYN-OBJECT-QUAD aPosX, aPosY, aPosZ - position vector of the object
aPitch, aYaw, aRoll - set the rotation of the object
aWidth, aHeight, aDepth - size of the object