In this tutorial we add a skybox to the scene and make it visible.
This tutorial is a continuation on the previous one called "Loading a Predefined Object in Rage 3D"
To load the Skybox we use rglInitEnvironmentSkybox the engine automatically manages the skybox so there is no need to destroy it later.
 rglInitEnvironmentSkybox('Data/FR.jpg', 'Data/BK.jpg', 'Data/LF.jpg', 'Data/RT.jpg', 'Data/Up.jpg', 'Data/DN.jpg');
To make the skybox visible we use rglSetEnvironmentSkyboxVisibleFlag
And that is basically it! Nothing else is needed.
Download the code
Please note: In order to use and compile any of these tutotrials, you will need to download the Binary and Art for the engine