function rglLoadSceneEBM( const aEBMFileName: PChar; const aTexturePackFileName : PChar; var aStatIndexArray : PRAGEIntArray; var aDynIndexArray : PRAGEIntArray; var aMaterialIndexArray : PRAGEIntArray) : integer; stdcall;
Loads the EBM (Map) and ETP (Texture pack) File formats
Parameters aEBMFileName - the name / path of the EBM file to load aTexturePackFileName - the name / path of the ETP file to load aStatIndexArray - A Pointer array of integers that can be used to retrieve any of the static objects in the scene aDynIndexArray - A Pointer array of integers that can be used to retrieve any of the dynamic (moving) objects in the scene aMaterialIndexArray - A Pointer array of integers that can be used to retrieve any of the Materials in the scene
Remark Make sure that the EBM, and ETP files match, or the function wont work correctly
This formats will be reworked later and combined into one file so that life is made easier for the developer / designer